
Isaac was born in Northern Uganda in 1989. His early childhood was marked by family conflict, separation, poverty and the deaths of his dad and then his mum a few years later. As the eldest son, Isaac was given the responsibility of taking care of his siblings by his mother on her deathbed. He was still a child himself.

Life led Isaac to the street, where he struggled for survival, pretending to be blind so that he could make enough money to buy food. It was a period of near-starvation, sickness and fear.

The promise he made to his mum to take care of his siblings was a constant source of anxiety for Isaac. When he was offered the opportunity to live in a children’s home (prior to Biojemmss), he took one of his younger siblings with him. Isaac often ran away because he felt the owner of the home hated him. On one occasion, he was picked up by the police and imprisoned. He remembers a breakout and all the children trying to run.

“If you run, they could cut off your hand. I saw one of the boys having his hand cut off. After the strike, they came and beat us and beat us. The person who led us was put in a tiny room with no food and no light. When I later tried to run, they also put me in that room. If you move, they electrocute you and beat you.

”Isaac later escaped and returned to the home, from which he was later rescued. He was supported by Biojemmss to complete his A-levels, and two of his other siblings were found and brought to the home. Isaac left Biojemmss in 2010 after successfully finishing his A-levels. He worked hard alongside his studies to save money, and was supported by Biojemmss in starting his own business. Due to his hard work and initiative, he began running a film production company known as One Day Media House. He has made several films, as well as being paid for filming various functions. Isaac supports other young artists by offering them reduced prices. He explains that Biojemmss is his family and a place where he finally found peace and happiness. He is a born-again Christian and wants the business to support him and help others".

