
Phiona lost her mother at a young age and was sent to live with her grandmother, who was very poor. She later became a maid for her aunt, who had ‘rescued’ her. Phiona was taken to a children’s home by her brother, and it was through this home that she heard about Biojemmss. Her life was completely changed as a result.

“I thank God, who has given me this chance and opportunity to testify about my life. When I look into my past, I believe God has been working and helping me in everything. When my mom passed away in 2004, we were left alone with no place to stay. Being the youngest of all my siblings, my grandma took me to her home. Unfortunately, she was very poor. She had no money to pay for my school fees and it was difficult for her to provide for my basic needs. Life was miserable.

“On hearing about what was happening in my life, my aunt came and claimed guardianship, but she turned me into a maid when we reached her place. It was then that my brother, who was being looked after at a children’s home, picked me up and registered me.

“It was from this home that I came to know Siân. She was more caring and concerned than the person who was running the home. After a while, the person in charge asked all the girls to leave the home. I was taken to my sister’s place, who vowed to take me back to my grandma in the village because she couldn’t look after me. I lost hope, but I thank God forSiân because, after a short time, she sent my brother to come and pick me up.

“I joined Biojemmss, where children are treated equally, school fees are paid and other basic needs are provided. From here, I learnt that God uses people to bless others. With Biojemmss, my hope was restored and life finally became meaningful.

“I am now 22 years old and can testify of the good things God has done in my life. First of all, I thank God for the Biojemmss organisation, which has shown great love to me. It was God’s grace that connected me to the Biojemmss family, where I am getting everything I need – mostly school fees – because I have now reached a level of education that none of my family members have ever reached. I give the glory and honour back to God. By his grace, I managed to pass my A-level exams at high school and will be going to Ndejje University this year to study Social Worker.

“Since my parents passed away in 2004, God has really been my parent. As the Bible says, he is a mother to the motherless and a father to the fatherless. I have seen God’s hand on my life.

“I also thank him so much for using all the people who stood with Siânto help me in all these situations. You loved me, you took care of me, you did everything for me to live a happy life. May God reward you.

“I also thank God, who gave us Siân as a gift to change our lives here in Uganda. She does her level best to see that the Biojemmss family is moving on well, and the team that supports her programs. May Almighty God bless you abundantly and all the Ugandan people who work with Biojemmss.”

